7 Must-Know Pickleball Serving Rules 2023 To Master Your Game

Hey there, pickleball fan! Are you looking to improve your services in this fun and exciting racquet sport? If so, you're in the right place. In this article, we're going to talk about how to do a pickleball serve and go over pickleball serving rules. By the end, you'll have a good understanding of how to serve properly in pickleball and be well on your way to becoming a serving pro.

7 Must-Know Pickleball Serve Rules 2023 To Master Your Game

3 Basic Pickleball Serving Rules

Underhand Serve

The underhand serve is the most common type of serve in pickleball. To execute an underhand serve, you’ll need to hit the ball with an open-faced paddle and use an underhand motion to send the ball over the net.

The ball must be hit in an arc between your waist and shoulder height, and it must bounce in your opponent’s court before it can be played. There are several benefits to using an underhand serve in pickleball. For starters, it allows you to control the speed and spin of the ball more easily.

pickleball serve rule

This can be especially helpful for players who are just starting, as it gives you a chance to get a feel for the ball and how it reacts when struck.

Plus, the underhand serve is a less strenuous motion than an overhand serve, which can be a big help if you’re trying to conserve energy or prevent injury. This is especially important in longer matches or tournaments, where your endurance might be tested.

Finally, the underhand serve can be an effective way to surprise your opponent. Many players aren’t used to seeing an underhand serve in pickleball, so it can throw them off their game and give you an advantage. This service is the most important to learn how to serve in pickleball.

Feet Placement

Proper foot placement is crucial for a proper pickleball serve. When serving, you’ll need to stand behind the back boundary and make sure you don’t step on or over the serving mark. If you do, it’s a pickleball fault and your opponent gets the point.

To get into position for a serve, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight balanced evenly on both feet. From this position, you can adjust your feet as needed to reach the ball and make clean contact.

Proper foot placement is also important for follow-through and recovery after the serve. After hitting the ball, step forward with your non-dominant foot as you follow through with your stroke.

This helps to generate power and allows you to get back into position for the next shot.

Crosscourt Serve

A crosscourt serve is a service that is hit diagonally across the court to your opponent’s serve box. This type of service is typically hit with a lot of topspin, which causes the ball to kick off the court and bounce high. This type of service is important for pickleball legal service and is a key part of your strategy.

The crosscourt serve can be an effective way to disrupt your opponent’s rhythm and force them to cover more of the court. It can also be used to set up an attacking shot, as it often forces your opponent to hit a low, defensive return that you can take advantage of. The crosscourt serve is a vital part of your arsenal and should be practiced regularly.

cross court skinny singles

To execute a cross-court serve, aim to hit the ball toward the middle of your opponent’s court and use a lot of topspin to get the ball to kick off the court. Be mindful of your feet placement and aim to get into a good recovery position after the serve.

Another crucial kind of service is the backhand service.

What Are Pickleball Serving Rules

Pickleball serve rules for hitting the ball

The ball must be struck with an open-faced paddle and must be hit underhand. The ball must be served diagonally across the court to the opponent’s service box. The ball must bounce in the opponent’s court before it is played. The server must serve the ball in an arc that is between the server’s waist and shoulder height. The ball must be hit with an open-faced paddle and must not be caught or thrown.

The server needs to follow these rules when hitting the ball, as any violation will result in a fault and the point going to the opponent. The underhand serve is the most common type of serve in pickleball, as it allows the server to control the speed and spin of the ball more easily and is less strenuous than an overhand serve.

There are also a few other important rules of pickleball to keep in mind when hitting the ball. The server must serve the ball in an arc that is between their waist and shoulder height. The ball must be hit with an open-faced paddle and must not be caught or thrown.

Finally, the ball must bounce in the opponent’s court before it is played. These rules apply to all types of pickleball play, including singles and doubles.

Pickleball serving line rules

The server must serve from behind the back boundary and must not step on or over the mark or the zone line. If the server steps on or over the mark or the zone line, it is a fault and the opponent gets the point.

The server needs to pay attention to their feet placement when serving and make sure they do not step on or over the serving mark.

This can be especially challenging when serving from the right or left side of the court, as the serving mark can be difficult to see.

To ensure proper feet placement, the server should stand with their feet shoulder-width apart and their weight balanced evenly on both feet.

Read more: “Pickleball Line Rules Explained: Is It In Or Out?”

Other miscellaneous pickleball Rules for serving

There are a few other miscellaneous to keep in mind when playing the game. These include

  • The ball must bounce in the opponent’s court before it is played. This means that the ball must land in the opponent’s court and bounce at least once before an hit it back over the net.
  • The ball must be hit with an open-faced paddle and must not be caught or thrown. This means that the server cannot catch the ball and then throw it over the net to serve.
  • The ball must be hit underhand. This means that the server must use an underhand motion to hit the ball over the net. An overhand serve is not allowed.
  • The right side of the court is considered the odd service court, while the left side is considered the even service court. This means that when a team serves from the right side of the court, they are serving from the odd service court. When a team serves from the left side of the court, they are serving from the even service court.

Now you should be aware of what is a legal serve in pickleball.

Pickleball doubles serving

As Pickleball can be played as singles and doubles, we will discuss pickleball doubles rules serving. We will start with learning who serves first in pickleball doubles.

In the first game of a match, the serving team is determined by a coin toss or other method of randomly selecting a team to serve first. In subsequent games, the team that lost the previous game serves first.

Double Play

In doubles play, the serving team has the option to serve from either the right or left side of the court.

In doubles play, the serving team has the advantage of being able to choose which side of the court they want to serve from. This can be a strategic decision, as the serving team can choose to serve from the side that gives them the most advantage or that presents the most difficulty for their opponents.

double pickleball

The serving team needs to communicate and decide who will serve before the point starts. The server must serve from behind the back line and must not step on or over the serving line when serving. Serves in the first turn can only be made by one player before a side-out. Therefore, the score in doubles always starts at 0-0-2.

The ball must be hit with an open-faced paddle and must be hit underhand. The ball must be served diagonally across the court to the opponent’s service box and must bounce in the opponent’s court before it is played.

Step-by-step: How to serve properly in pickleball

Now that you have a good understanding of what are the rules for serving in pickleball, let’s go over some steps you can follow to serve properly in the game.

  1. Firstly, Call Out the Score. For Double Pickleball, call the server number too. For example, the score is 3 (The server’s score) – 2(the receiving’s score) – 2 (server number 2). To memorize score order, you can use the phrase Me-You-Who.
  2. You should be aware of where to stand in pickleball serve rules. Stand behind the back line and make sure you’re not stepping on or over the serving line.
  3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight balanced evenly on both feet.
  4. Hold the paddle with an open-faced grip, with your dominant hand on the handle and your non-dominant hand on the top of the paddle.
  5. Toss the ball up in the air and hit it with an underhand motion, aiming for the middle of your opponent’s court.
  6. Follow through with your swing and watch the ball land in the opponent’s court and bounce at least once before it is played.

Common Types Of Serves

One important aspect of serving is finding a service that works for you. This might involve experimenting with different services and seeing which ones are most effective for you. Here are some serving tips and some common serves in pickleball that you can try: the push service, the lob serve, and the flat serve.

The push serve is a low, slow server that is struck with an open-faced paddle and is hit with minimal spin. This service is often used to disrupt the rhythm of the receiving team and can be effective in forcing errors.

The lob serve is a high, deep serve that is struck with an open-faced paddle and is hit with a backspin. This service is often used to create a strategic advantage, as it can be difficult for the receiving team to attack the ball.

What Is A Lob In Pickleball: Offensive Lob shot & Defends Tips

The flat serve is a fast, straight serve that is struck with an open-faced paddle and is hit with minimal spin. This service is often used to catch the receiving team off guard and can be effective in creating openings on the court.

In addition to these serves, other types of serves can be effective in pickleball, such as the slice serve, the kick serve, and the topspin serve. These kinds of serves are new pickleball serves. Experimenting with different serves can help you find the one that works best for you and your playing style.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you’re serving legally and effectively in pickleball.

By going through all of the rules mentioned above you should be able to differentiate between a legal pickleball serve and an illegal pickleball serve.

How to learn the pickleball serving rules

Now that you have a good understanding of the serving rules and other pickleball rules, you might be wondering how you can learn them and become proficient in serving. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice your serve, the better you’ll become at it. Try to serve every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Watch other players serve. Pay attention to how they hold the paddle, toss the ball, and hit it with an underhand motion. You can learn a lot by watching other players and emulating their technique.
  • Get feedback from a coach or a more experienced player. A coach or experienced player can help you identify areas where you can improve and give you tips on how to correct any issues.
  • Practice serving different parts of the court. Experiment with different services and see how they work in different situations. This will help you become a more versatile server and be able to adapt to different opponents and conditions.

In addition to these points, there are a few other things you can do to learn and improve your pickleball serving skills and score more points, while following the rules:

  • Play with players who are better than you and know the rules well. This will help you improve your game and expose you to different serve styles and strategies that can earn you more points, as well as the rules that govern them. You can also observe how they serve and try to emulate their techniques.
  • Join a pickleball club or league that follows the official rules. This will allow you to play with a variety of players and learn from more experienced players who can teach you how to win more points with your serve, while respecting the rules of the game. You can also practice your serve with them and get feedback on how to improve it.
  • Attend pickleball clinics or camps that teach the rules and how to apply them. These events can provide valuable instruction and drills to help you improve your serve and overall game, as well as your knowledge of the rules and how they affect your strategy. You can also learn how to serve in different situations and scenarios, such as serve first, serve under pressure, or serve against different opponents.
  • Watch pickleball instructional videos and read instructional articles that explain the rules and how to use them to your advantage. There are many resources available online that can provide tips and techniques for improving your service and gaining more points, as well as clarifying the rules and how they work. You can also watch how professional players serve and learn from their examples.
  • Conclusion Serving is one of the most important skills in pickleball, as it starts every rally and can give you an edge over your opponent. By following the rules and learning how to serve effectively, you can improve your game and enjoy playing pickleball more. Remember to practice your serve regularly, experiment with different styles and strategies, and have fun!

What are the rules for serving in pickleball?

Initiating the serve requires at least one foot to be positioned behind the baseline, with no foot making contact with the baseline or court before the ball is hit. The serve must be made crosscourt diagonally and needs to land within the opposite diagonal court. Each player gets a single serve attempt, and let serves are permitted.

What is an illegal serve in pickleball?

An illegal pickleball serve crosses a fine line. It's illegal to serve using an overhead stroke, to serve from above the waist, or to have the paddle's head higher than your wrist. Additionally, a server taking more than ten seconds for the serve is considered illegal.

Can you bounce the ball before a pickleball serve?

The term 'drop serve' is used when a player lets the ball fall from any height (jumping or tossing the ball isn't permitted). The player can let the ball bounce before taking the serve. It's allowed for the ball to bounce more than once, and the player can strike the ball in any preferred way, excluding rules 1, 2, and 3 stated below.


By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can become proficient in rules and take your pickleball game to the next level. With some dedication and hard work, you can master the various pickleball serving rules and become a more effective and successful server on the court.

In conclusion, serving is an important aspect of pickleball and it’s essential to understand and follow the various serving rules to play the game legally and fairly. By paying attention to proper technique and following the rules, you can improve your service and increase your chances of success in pickleball games. Before you start playing, please read our privacy policy and terms of service to ensure a smooth and safe gaming experience. Thank you for choosing us as your pickleball guide.

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