Pickleball Singles Rules: A Complete Breakdown for Beginners

Surely you have often heard of single and double pickleball. On this occasion, we will explain single pickleball. This single pickleball can be said to be very similar to double pickleball, but the difference is only in the only one player on the side of the pickleball field. In addition, the rules and strategies for single pickleball are also very different from double pickleball.

Pickleball Singles Rules: A Complete Breakdown for Beginners

The Pickleball Singles Rules

Single pickleball here generally has very different rules from pickleball rules doubles. Here are some pickleball official rules of single pickleball that you need to follow:

Without bouncing the ball off the court, the ball is served horizontally and underhanded to the opponent’s service field.

Only the serving side scores point and this happens when a horrible mistake, such as not returning the ball, hitting to hit the ball out of range or into the net, and so on.

The server continues to serve and service courts alternate until there are errors on the service side.

The first team to score 11 scores and lead with two points wins, and you must win by two points.

After serving, each team must hit at least one-floor stroke before volleying or trying to hit it before bouncing.

You/your team cannot volley while standing in the Non-Volley Zone (also known as the kitchen).

pickleball singles match

Player Position & How to play Pickleball Singles

Single pickleball is not much different from double pickleball, the only difference lies in the number of players and also the placement of the players. On the serve and return of serve, player positioning is critical. The pickleball must be served from the correct side of the pickleball court, and the service must be returned from the correct side of the pickleball court.

The score of the pickleball game determines the correct side of the pickleball court:

When the server points are at points 0.2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc., then the service must be on the even or right side of the pickleball field. In addition, you need to serve the even or right-hand receiver of the pickleball court.

Conversely, if the server points are at points 1,3,5,7,9, etc., then the service is from the odd or left side of the pickleball field and the service is to the odd or left side of the pickleball field receiver.

In a single pickleball, if the server is discovered to be in the incorrect position, an error will occur and the server will lose the rally. An error can be reported on the service contract or until the next service occurs. If a fault is called before the next serve, the server loses the rally and no points are awarded.

All previous points awarded, whether with the player in the correct or incorrect position, will remain in effect. Furthermore, if an error occurs after the next service, the points awarded to the server will remain valid. If an error occurs at the end of a pickleball match, Unless the fault is reported before restoring the scoreboard to the pickleball tournament operations personnel, the consequence will stand.

What Exactly Are Skinny Singles Pickleball?

pickleball skinny singles

Skinny singles pickleball is a drill that is more similar to doubles techniques and started shooting options. It is served with a partner on half of the court. In this case, you must strike the ball so that it passes through half of your opponent’s side, which should be the same half that the ball was served. It is a problem, whenever your ball fails to reach the suitable half. Starting to play pickleball skinny singles is a great way to improve your ball control and maintain your opponent moving, but it can be challenging for some.

Singles Pickleball Strategy & Tips

Singles require a strategy that takes advantage of quickness, anticipation, and the ability to hit a variety of shots because there is twice the field to cover. Here are some strategies for playing pickleball singles:


Although this strategy applies to doubles, it is far more significant in singles. Giving a serve that tends to be short will be advantageous for the returner to return a long serve to one corner, complicate your efforts on the pass or take the third shot. As a result, Serve deep and try to get a short return with the next shot.


When you’re playing singles, you can turn the ball hard, pointing to one of the corners of the court. Your opponent’s passing shot will be made more difficult by that deep comeback and very well return.


Because you have the entire court to cover in singles, the serving position is slightly different than in doubles. Serve close to the middle to give yourself a better chance of reaching all returns, whether cross-court or down the line.

Return your service to the Non-Volley Line

When possible, return your ball (serve) to the non-volley line., as in doubles. The server must allow the ball to jump on their side of the court, and a good return will give you the advantage at the line. Although not as pronounced as in doubles, you will still have an advantage, especially if your return was deep and to one of the corners.

Passing shots and angles

Finding an open court is essential in singles pickleball. Use any angles and passing shots to find open space and defeat your opponent.

Final Thought

We strongly advise you to play singles if you haven’t already. It will not only strengthen your health and strength training but will also allow you to think more tactically on the pickleball court. Also, the skills you practice in pickleball singles will transfer very well to your doubles game.

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