Volley in Pickleball? Tips To Improve Your Volleying

When you make multiple shots in a pickleball it is very satisfying to do so, just like it is with a volley. A strong volley that lands right in front of your opponent's feet will result in a weak pop-up. Meanwhile, after a hard hit, a drop volley lands more gently and harmlessly right over the net from the sideline. There are several differences in volleyball that you should be aware of and also what kind of situations you should be in a volley.

Volley in Pickleball? Tips To Improve Your Volleying

What Is a Volley?

Volley is a pickleball shot that is executed before the ball bounce to the ground. In essence, when you hit the ball, position your feet on the outside of your kitchen line. In pickleball, the majority of the passing of the ball takes place so at the net or within the kitchen. However, as long as you do this shot, the shot should have a moderately low to medium trajectory and a slower tempo.

5 Types Of Volleys

Volleyball in pickleball, there are several types that you need to know before you do volleyball that you only know about in part. When you have done all types of pickleball volleys, you will get satisfying results and be able to win them.

  1. Roll Volley In Pickleball

roll volley pickleball

This type of shot is usually referred to as topspin volleyball. This volley shot is done by half swinging, this results in the ball you hit bending downward and being pushed forward which then the ball will bounce because it is spinning.

  1. Dink Volley

This Shot is usually softer than a normal, Dink volley shot when the pickleball players are at the non-volley zone line while exchanging dinks. The aim, shape, and target of the shot are all the same as they are with a conventional dink. The objective is in or close to the kitchen, and the goal is to both assault and blocks them as well as position yourself for a strike by yourself. When you can hit your opposition’s oncoming dink out of the air or if you want to stop your opposition’s dink from falling ahead of you so that you do not need to step up and strike it awkwardly, you’ll utilize the dink volley.

  • Read more:Pickleball Dink Shot: Tips To Master Your Dink Technique”
  1. Underspin Volley

How to do this shot is hit by making a low to high movement, this will result in you being able to give some underspin. Then, at backspin where the ball helps keep the ball low after bouncing which is usually very useful in forcing the opponent to make a ball strike.

  1. Drop Volley

This shot is also known as a block volley. The technique is used to block a fast-coming ball without adding any speed to the return ball. This is done by using a soft grip and absorbing the incoming ball’s pace, which can cause the ball to land softly over the net.

drop volley pickleball

  1. Punch Volley

When performing this pickleball punch volley, the paddle should be approximately parallel to the net with which the stroke is slightly exposed. After that, this punch is executed by hitting forward while using the elbow as a hinge. If you are heading toward your opposition’s feet or looking for a medium-height gap, this strike is fantastic. A rapid encounter frequently involves this style of volley over the net.

punch volley in pickleball

When You Should Volley?

When you want to volley in pickleball, you still feel when to do it. When you hit this shot, you are in a position ready to win this match and get more volleys. When should you do the volley?

There are several situations that you can apply when you want to do the volleyball technique in pickleball, such as:

  • Volley when you are on the kitchen line and when your opponent hits the ball over the net.
  • Doing a volley is indeed the best when you want to bring your opponent closer to the net.
  • Use volley when you want to control the speed of pickleball. You can use a volley on the net as a quick shot that is aimed at the opponent’s feet.
  • When you want to reduce the chaotic style of play, you can start volleying.

What Are Volleying Rules

A volley is a hit or shot made by a player before the ball is about to bounce off the court. There is an area called the kitchen or also called the non-volley zone, this is the area where you are banned from hitting a volley shot.

A foul when you let it bounce when you enter the kitchen line area. Instead, keep the ball in the air first and choose the next move. Then, if you can get the ball inside the non-volley zone, without crossing the line or even bouncing it is considered valid.

Then, apart from the above, there are several rules in pickleball volleyball that you need to know:

  • Be Patient For The Bounce Per Side

This happens before you start shooting a volley, other than the ball should let there be bounces once in both directions on both sides of the field. Thus, the serve should bounce before you or your opponent returns it. When returning, this service must bounce first. Although this may be difficult for beginners who often throw serves and run quickly to the kitchen line and strike the ball fast or hard.

Remember! Don’t let your third shot miss, it has to bounce.

  • Keep Pickleball Volleys On The Court

You cannot volley a shot off the pitch, or the goal, or anywhere else that is inaccessible, this applies during the ball lands on the edge of the pitch, and you are good to drive away. Do not go too far in attempting a volley, this will result in an error in launching the ball which can go out of bounds.

10 Tips To Improve Your Volley

Once you know what volleyball is and the rules you need to know, we provide some tips to improve your pickleball volleying skills when you are playing pickleball. Here are some tips that we provide:

  • Control The Ball’s Direction When Doing a Volley Strike

But if you’re actively volleying, it’s best to try to manage its direction and power as much as possible. Whenever you volley, think about striking the ball closein the distance, to the side, or to the right.

  • Practice Volleyball Shooting Speed

Varying the tempo of the ball by receiving hard-hit strokes back from the other team. As you’re at the non-volley zone, have anyone lob strokes at you as you practice volleys which the ball to slow on the ground.

Read more:What Is A Lob In Pickleball: Offensive Lob shot & Defends Tips”

  • Always Aim With All Kinds Of Volleyball Shots

Any kind of volley should be aimed at your opposition while playing doubles. They are compelled to choose the owner of the ball as a result. Hesitation typically works in your favor.

  • Don’t Force Your Arms When Doing Volleyball

It is recommended to cease swinging after your hand is properly extended with no elbow flexion because overextension may restrict your control. Additionally, if you are attempting a reactionary volley, attempt not to flip your wrist excessively.

  • Decide if you want to hit lightly or heavily

A light strike will maintain your opposition near the goal, whilst a strong hit will send the ball flying. Keep in mind that gentle strikes might lead to a reach or twist volley, then be ready for anything.

  • Get Ready Your Feet

As you may expect, the key purpose of the motion is your feet. It’s quite challenging to play volleyball while sprinting or on one of the legs. Before striking or twisting the ball to the opposite court line, try to maintain a stable position.

  • Do Regular Exercise

Practice each volley to increase your range of movement. You’ll be more surprised on the court with the further movements you are familiar with.

  • Position Your Waist

Use a loose grip on the paddle and allow your wrist do the job during a volley. You’ll have better control of the ball and be able to correctly place your shots as a result. Additionally, it prevents you from striking the ball with excessive force, which is completely unnecessary throughout a volley fight.

  • Watch Your Paddles

While a volley, you get to have your paddle partly open, your back straight, and your head up. Among pickleball players, it is frequently referred to as the “ready position.” It’s impossible to predict what the ball will arrive through, so being in a good-ready position will keep you alert.

  • Maintain Communication

It’s important to communicate while playing doubles. Each time one player flies into another player’s area or leaves a huge space on their side due to stooping far over, we shudder. Be open with your spouse and have faith in their ability to manage any challenges just as you can with your own.


Pickleball requires a lot of volleys so you can win a pickleball match. It keeps the ball away from whichever edge of the court you are on while preventing your opponent from getting too comfortable. Plus, it’s a great method to get a quick score. One of the most fun pickleball game mechanics is playing volleyball in the kitchen area.

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